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Quantum Behavioral Health

Top-Rated Evening IOP Programs In NJ

Have you been avoiding getting the help you know you need because of real-world responsibilities like work, school, or children? What if we told you that you don’t have to choose?

You Can Get Help & Keep Your Job!

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We Offer Evening IOP Programs & More

Partial Care (PC)

This level of care includes twenty (20) or more hours of services provided each week and addresses physical, mental, and emotional instability that doesn’t require around-the-clock care. This level of care is designed to support you whether you have a substance use disorder or have other co-occurring challenges or disorders as well. Treatment usually takes place during the day for added support & flexibility.

Intensive Outpatient (IOP)

This level of care is typically made up of nine (9) or more hours and addresses the physical, psychological, and emotional challenges you face, whether you’re dealing with an addiction or an addiction alongside other mental health diagnoses. We offer IOP treatment on flexible schedules, including in the evening after the workday, and we’re one of the few treatment centers in NJ that offers night time IOP programs.

Outpatient Care (OP)

Outpatient Care describes services provided for fewer than 9 hours each week. Outpatient services are designed around therapies that offer transitional support in advanced recovery stages.

And you won’t have to worry about whether your insurance says you “need to step down” your treatment level. At Quantum, your progress and the level of support you need is what decides your next best step – not insurance.

Why Choose Quantum?

Individualized Treatment

Successful treatment starts with the individual.

There is no 'magic' treatment method that works for everyone, which is why all of our IOP programs are custom-tailored to the unique needs & circumstances of each individual in our care.

Flexible Schedule Options

Because life's obligations don't have a 'pause' button.

No one should ever have to choose between receiving top-quality care or satisfying personal obligations. We offer evening IOP programs that fit all types of work, school, & personal schedules.

Comprehensive Aftercare

Longterm sobriety doesn't just happen after treatment.

Aftercare is one of the most important factors in achieving lasting sobriety, and we provide our clients with ongoing support services to maintain sobriety in the face of life's many challenges.

Are You Ready to Start An

Evening IOP Program?

We Make It Easy To Start

Call, Text, or Chat with Us Live 24/7

Contact Our Admissions Team to Get Started - Confidential, Judgement-Free.

Complete An Assessment

This Process Helps Us Match You with the Best Program for Your Specific Needs.

Review Your Health Insurance

Our Insurance Specialists Will Explain Your Benefits and Show Your Options.

Admit to a Top Rehab Center

Based on Your Assessment and Insurance, We'll Pair You with a Top Rehab Program.

You Can Do It.

We Can Help.

Take the first step towards sobriety today and give us a call – You don’t have to battle addiction alone!